Self Negotiated Brief - To explore a space or spaces. 
Concept - To explore my granddad’s home that he had moved out of and the ‘alien’ space he moved into.
Sadly whilst doing this project, my granddad passed away after having to move into a care home. I feel he deteriorated after leaving his space, his home for nearly 60 years. Someone's space is important and personal to them, and it's intriguing how a space can effect someones mental health. 
RIP Colin Williams 
These set of photographs were taken in the 'alien' space that my granddad had to move into. This is where I felt he deteriorated and lost himself more. He was only in here for 2 months before having to move into a care home where he passed away. 
Above is an image trace of my granddad's calendar. Each day there's a scribble, a mark to cross off the day.
Solution - My aim is to create a book that portrays my granddad’s home compared to the new ‘alien’ space using his marks to represent the days passing and his distress. 

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